Introduction to Programming with C Programming Language

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 Last update date 09/2024

Basic Excel Tutorial check out our education.

The purpose of education 

  • To teach the details of programming technique with C programming language 
  • Teaching program writing rules using algorithms and program flow diagrams 
  • To write different programs with the C programming language and to teach the solution of engineering problems with numerical methods. 

Who can participate in the education 

  • Who has an interest in programming and wants to make a career in this sector in a professional way. 

The process of education 

The method of ationeduc: Online education (synchronous) 

Duration of education: 80 hours 

Place of education: Bursa Uludag University Gorukle Campus 

Number of participants: Minimum 10 person 


Learning Outcomes 

  • Will be able to explain all data types. 
  • Will be able to develop algorithms with gradual and top-down improving process. 
  • Will be able to use logical operator. 
  • Will be able to use software control terms which break and continue. 
  • Will be able to learn how to make modular programming which by use of small piece called function. 
  • Will be able to explain is used mechanisms for data transcription at interfunctional. 
  • Will be able to explain and write how to recursive functions. 
  • Will be able to use arrays of table of value and list for hide, sequence and search. 
  • Will be able to learn to build array, assign first value and reach component. 
  • Will be able to manage to more than one array.  

Education Content 

Module 1: General Programming Knowledge 

  • Definitions 
  • Software development 
  • Error trapping and debugging 

Module 2: Algorithms 

  • Flow diagrams 
  • Arithmetic and logical expressions 
  • Identifier 
  • Parameter  
  • Fixed 
  • Assign / Transfer 
  • Counter 
  • Loop 
  • Serrial addition 
  • Sequential multiplication  
  • Running an algorithm 
  • Parameter and array Identification 
  • Numbering system 
  • Data processing 

Module 3: Introduction to Programming 

  • General structure of programming 
  • Types of data used 
  • Numeric data types 
  • Integer data types 
  • Decimal number data types 
  • Data Entry Commands 
  • Data Output Commands 
  • Mathematical operations 
  • Comparison operations 
  • Logical operations 

Module 4: Loops and Condition 

  • Decision (Comparison) Commands 


-If else 

-If else if


  • Loops 



-Do while 

Module 5: Functions 

  • Built in function 
  • Recursive functions 

Module 6: Arrays 

  • One dimensional array 
  • Multidimensional array 

The Process of Education:

  • The training will be broadcast live simultaneously over the Internet.
  • In order to participate in the training, you must have internet access and a suitable internet package in your current environment.
  • In order for the educational system to be used,camera and microphone equipment have been introduced, a device that can connect to the Internet(smartphone, tablet and preferably computer) is needed.
  • Participants will log in to the system with their cameras and microphones turned on together with our instructor who provides the training during the specified lesson hours.
  • User names and passwords will be sent to the participants' e-mails before the training starts.
  • After the trainings are completed, the system will be kept open for participants for another 7 days. By the end of the seventh day at 23:00, the system will be completely shut down.
  • In order to help us during the training period, a whatsapp group will be created in the form of sending messages only to the administrator, and all kinds of support information will be shared by the administrator during the lesson period. Participants have all kinds of questions and problems they can write to our address. The mail will be followed up instantly during the training.

Important Information:

  • Certificates are issued for participation of 80% and above of the total training period. for participation of 79% and below, no documents will be issued. 
  • After the completion of the training period, certificates will be issued after the controls belonging to our institution and will be sent to the addresses you entered at the time of registration with PTT Cargo. Your address and contact information must be up-to-date.
  • Participants have all kinds of questions and problems they can write to our address. The mail will be followed up instantly during the training.
  • Application for education and paying the tuition fee online are made via the Internet. Installment payments cannot be paid on the participants' bank credit cards.



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