Personal Awareness and Lifelong Learning Training Program

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 Last update date 02/2025

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The Personal Awareness and Lifelong Learning Training Program aims to enhance participants' self-awareness, support their personal development, and boost their professional success with an open mindset for learning. The program helps develop skills for achieving personal goals and lifelong learning.


The training is for professional development purposes, and the certificate obtained does not replace the MYK authorization certificate in trainings where the MYK authorization certificate is mandatory.


  1. What is Personal Awareness?

Definition and importance of personal awareness
The relationship between self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Personal values and beliefs: The basics of self-discovery
The impact of mental and emotional awareness on professional life

  1. Self-Assessment and Discovering Your Strengths

Analyzing your personal strengths and weaknesses
Creating a personal development plan using SWOT analysis
Evaluating your achievements and areas for growth
Methods for self-discovery and proper direction

  1. Emotional Intelligence and Empathy Skills

The role of emotional intelligence in professional relationships
Building empathy and developing emotional awareness
Coping strategies for challenges: Stress management and emotional balance
The interaction between personal awareness and emotional intelligence

  1. Lifelong Learning and Personal Development

Definition and importance of lifelong learning
Adopting a lifelong learning culture
Effective learning methods for personal development
Acquiring new skills and making informed decisions
Making the learning process sustainable

  1. Developing an Open Mind for Learning

Developing an open mind towards learning
Setting goals and planning the learning journey
The importance of learning from failures
Critical thinking and innovative problem-solving skills

  1. Personal Goal Setting and Strategy Development

Setting short, medium, and long-term personal goals
Using the SMART goal-setting method
Motivational strategies to achieve goals
Time management and prioritization skills

  1. Achieving Work-Life Balance

Achieving work-life balance through personal awareness
Developing healthy habits for high performance
Supporting mental and physical health
The importance of self-care and valuing yourself

  1. Social Awareness and Empathetic Communication in Relationships

Empathetic listening skills and effective communication in relationships
Social awareness and its impact on professional relationships
Ability to work harmoniously with various personalities
Conflict resolution and building healthy relationships

  1. Mentorship and Coaching in Personal Development

Differences between mentorship and coaching
Benefits of having a mentor for personal development
Accelerating your development with coaching techniques
Guiding others and contributing to learning

  1. Lifelong Learning and Self-Updates

How to keep yourself updated with new knowledge and skills
Continuous development through training, books, and seminars
The role of technology and digital resources in education
Applying learned knowledge in practice

  1. Program Evaluation and Closure

Evaluating the skills learned by participants
Tips for continuing the personal development journey
How the knowledge gained in training can be used in professional life
Helping participants create their personal plans for the future.


The training is open to corporate collaborations, and individual applications are not accepted. The training content can be re-planned based on the corporate participant profile and your specific needs. Following mutual discussions, the scope and method of the training (In-person, Online) will be determined, and the related processes will be completed. If an agreement is reached, the suitable dates and times for your institution's participants and our instructors, as well as the location of the training, will be determined.


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