Furniture Design Development Program

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 Last update date 02/2025

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The Furniture Design Development Program aims to provide participants with modern design approaches focused on aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability, enabling them to develop creative and innovative furniture solutions.


The training is for professional development purposes, and the certificate obtained does not replace the MYK authorization certificate in trainings where the MYK authorization certificate is mandatory.


1. Introduction to Furniture Design

  • Design Process and Key Concepts: The basic processes of furniture design, terminology, and the history of design.

  • Aesthetics and Functionality: The importance of aesthetics and functionality in furniture design, principles for designing based on purpose.

  • The Psychology of Furniture Design: Understanding user needs, ergonomics, and user-friendly design principles.

2. Modern Design Techniques

  • Inspiration Sources and Trends: Popular styles and trends in today's furniture design, blending traditional and modern.

  • Design Software and Digital Tools: Using 3D modeling and design software, an introduction to the digital design process.

  • Prototype Production: Transitioning from digital design to prototype, the role of prototypes in furniture manufacturing.

3. Material Selection and Usage

  • Natural and Synthetic Materials: The advantages of different material types, including wood, metal, glass, fabric, and their uses in furniture.

  • Sustainable Material Selection: Choosing environmentally friendly and sustainable materials, recyclable and innovative materials.

  • Material and Design Relationship: The effects of material choices on design, aesthetic and functional harmony.

4. Ergonomic and Functional Design

  • Ergonomic Design Principles: User-centered design, integrating ergonomics with functional design.

  • Modular Designs: Flexible, portable, and functional furniture designs, creative solutions for space-saving.

  • Balancing Functionality and Aesthetics: How to achieve balance between aesthetics and function in design.

5. Innovative Design Approaches

  • Futuristic Designs and Technology Integration: 3D printing, smart furniture, IoT technologies, and other innovative design elements.

  • Biomimicry and Nature-Inspired Designs: Drawing inspiration from natural forms and processes for design.

  • Inclusive Design: Developing furniture designs that are accessible to everyone, including designs for disabled users.

6. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Design

  • Sustainable Design Approaches: Resource efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes.

  • Life Cycle Analysis: Measuring the environmental impact of designs, strategies for enhancing sustainability.

  • Recycling and Reuse: Use of recyclable materials and sustainable production methods in furniture design.

7. Market Research and Trend Analysis

  • Global Furniture Market Trends: Worldwide furniture design trends and changing consumer demands.

  • Understanding User Needs and Behaviors: Thinking customer-focused in the design process by analyzing target audiences.

  • Competitor Analysis and Pricing: Developing competitive designs, pricing strategies, and market analysis.

8. Advanced Techniques in Furniture Design

  • Advanced Modeling and Simulation: Professional design software for modeling, product simulations, and analyses.

  • High-Quality Finishing and Detailing: Final touches in furniture production, high-quality surface finishes, and aesthetic details.

  • Structural and Aesthetic Techniques: Strengthening design structurally, achieving aesthetic perfection.


The training is open to corporate collaborations, and individual applications are not accepted. The training content can be re-planned based on the corporate participant profile and your specific needs. Following mutual discussions, the scope and method of the training (In-person, Online) will be determined, and the related processes will be completed. If an agreement is reached, the suitable dates and times for your institution's participants and our instructors, as well as the location of the training, will be determined.


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