NETCoreMVC (MVC101) Training

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 Last update date 02/2025

Environmental Management (Environmental Legislation) Training Program check out our education.

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is a design pattern commonly used in software development processes. MVC separates the different components of an application—model, view, and controller—into distinct sections, providing a more organized and sustainable structure. This approach increases structural discipline in the software development process, facilitates teamwork, and makes code maintenance more manageable.
The training is for professional development purposes, and the certificate obtained does not replace the MYK (Turkish Qualification Framework) authorization certificate in training where the MYK authorization certificate is mandatory.
  • MVC concepts and fundamentals

  • MVC project structure
  • Model, view, controller concepts and how they work
  • Routing
  • Data transfer techniques
  • HTML Helpers
  • Action concept and how it works
  • Razor View Engine
  • Layout, Partial, Render Section concepts
  • Entity Framework Core architecture
  • Entity creation
  • Creation of the Context class
  • Migrations
  • Data storage
  • Queries
  • Configurations
  • Entity relationships
  • What is Web API?: Definition and general functions of Web APIs
  • HTTP protocols and usage
  • Routing
  • Return types and status codes
  • Model binding
  • HTTP methods
  • Validations

Training duration: 90 hours

The training is open to corporate collaboration, and individual applications are not accepted. The training content can be re-planned based on the corporate participant profile and your needs. After mutual discussions, the scope of the training and the method of delivery (In-person, Online) will be determined, and the relevant processes will be completed. In case of mutual agreement, suitable days and times for the participants from your institution and our instructors, as well as the location of the training, will be determined.


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