Corporate Sustainability Certificate Program

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 Last update date 03/2025

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Corporate Sustainability Certificate Program

The purpose of education 

The education aim is to raise professionals in line with the global Sustainable Development Goals for institutions. Also, in this with education professionals will be able to determine their own institutional sustainability plans also they increase knowledge and talent about institutional sustainability. 

Learning Outcomes 

  • The participants are developing institutional sustainability in their own company also they will determine institutional sustainability steps at company. 
  • The participant will be able to determine what to need do for institutional sustainability. 
  • The participants will know the aim, extent, preparation processes of institutional sustainability report and in this direction will determine of institutive requirements. 
  • The participant will be able to determine essential steps for will prepare climate policy and will know global and national climate targets effects at sector.  
  • The participants will develop targets relevant to circular economy and resource efficiency for company 
  • The participants will know components of sustainable financial management 
  • The participants will have known about impact measurement 
  • The participants will have known about the environmental legislation and they will be aware of legal result of environmental management 
  • The participants will have known about the energy policy need to adopt for acclimation 
  • The participants will have known about sustainability agricultural methods and they will know sustainability agricultural principles 
  • The participants will be able to do process evaluation pursuant to social responsibility of company. 

Education Content 

  • Module 1: Sustainable Development Aims and Introduction to Corporate Sustainability 
  • Module 2: Sustainability and to Corporate Social Responsibility 
  • Module 3: Sustainable Performance and Corporate Reporting Strategies 
  • Module 4: Sektor impacts, European Union Green Deal and Paris Climate Agreement 
  • Module 5: Resource productivity and Circular Economy 
  • Module 6: Sustainable Finance 
  • Module 7: Measure of social impact 
  • Module 8: Sustainability in terms of law and right of environment 
  • Module 9: Energy Management on the Path to Sustainable Development 
  • Module 10: Sustainable agriculture 
  • Module 11: Good Practice Examples 

The process of education 

Duration of education: 40 Hour 

Number of participants: 16  

The method of education: Online education 

The education will be live broadcast as a synchrony on the internet.   

Who can participate in the education 

The education program is recommended for institutions and their employees who want to prepare and carry their corporate identity to the future with sustainability principles. 

The education program will be appeal to persons who is wanting to be preparing of own company to climate policy and who is wanting want to leadership own company at sustainable development process also who is wanting at own professional life have a say in about institutional sustainability. 


Contents of Modules 

Module 1: Sustainable Development Aims and Introduction to Corporate Sustainability 

Time: 4 Hour 

Educator: Prof. Dr. Guray Salıhoglu, BUU Department of Environmental Engineering 

Content: This module will dwell on concepts about sustainability. Also at this module, addressed an issue which is the process of bringing sustainability to the world agenda, content of sustainable development goals and indicators and the nature of sustainable development projects will be addressed. The general principles of corporate sustainability and what needs to be done in this direction will be summarized. 

Module 2: Sustainability and to Corporate Social Responsibility 

Time: 2 Hour 

Educator: Senem Tanju, SACHI Consultancy 

Content: In this module, the definition and history of the concept of corporate social responsibility, its impact on today's business strategies, the integration of sustainable development goals into corporate social responsibility concepts and business world strategies will be summarized. 

Module 3: Sustainable Performance and Corporate Reporting Strategies 

Time: 4 Hour 

Educator: Senem Tanju, SACHI Consultancy 

Content: This module will explain the history and development of corporate reporting, the process of corporate reporting, different reporting methods and the impact of global reporting on measuring sustainable performance. 

Module 4: Sektor impacts, European Union Green Deal and Paris Climate Agreement 

Time: 4 Hour 

Educator: Prof. Dr. Guray Salıhoglu, BUU Department of Environmental Engineering 

Content: In this module, developments in the world related to the climate crisis and climate adaptation process, agreements made, agreement provisions, European Green Deal and its components, carbon regulation mechanism at the border and sectoral effects will be discussed. 

Module 5: Resource Productivity and Circular Economy 

Time: 4 Hour 

Educator: Prof. Dr. Nezih Kamil Salıhoglu, BUU Department of Environmental Engineering 

Content: In this module, circular economy principles, waste and resource management, zero waste policy and zero waste project components, steps to be taken towards waste management and resource efficiency in enterprises will be included. 

Module 6: Sustainable Finance 

Time: 4 Hour 

Educator: Cigdem Palalı, SACHI Consultancy 

Content: In this module, the relationship between sustainability and finance, sustainable finance and investment tools and the integration of sustainable finance into business strategies will be explained. 

Module 7: Measure of social impact 

Time: 2 Hour 

Educator: Cigdem Palalı, SACHI Consultancy 

Content: In this module, the concept of social impact, measurement of social impact, measurement methods and good practice examples will be discussed. 

Module 8: Sustainability in terms of law and right of environment 

Time: 4 Hour 

Educator: Prof. Dr. Guray Salıhoglu, BUU Department of Environmental Engineering and Senem Tanju, SACHI Consultancy 

Content: In this module, issues such as environmental right, hierarchy of environmental legislation, basic regulations, responsibilities of enterprises in terms of environmental legislation, legal consequences of deficiencies in environmental management will be discussed. At the same time, the legal evaluation of the social dimensions of sustainability will be carried out. 

Module 9: Energy Management on the Path to Sustainable Development 

Time: 4 Hour 

Educator: Prof. Dr. Guray Salıhoglu, BUU Department of Environmental Engineering and Senem Tanju, SACHI Consultancy 

Content: In this module, energy policies adopted on the path of sustainable development, energy management and decarbonization strategies that enterprises can adopt and energy management steps required by climate change policies will be discussed. 

Module 10: Sustainable agriculture 

Time: 4 Hour 

Educator: Prof. Dr. Sule Turhan, BUU Department of Agricultural Economics 

Content: In this module, general information about sustainable agriculture understanding will be given. Ecologically sensitive agricultural practices will be analyzed within the framework of definitions, principles and objectives and application examples, agricultural systems that adopt this understanding will be explained and the development of these systems in the world and in Turkey will be emphasized. 

Module 11: Good Practice Examples 

Time: 4 Hour 

Educator: Senem Tanju- Cigdem Palalı, SACHI Consultancy 

Content: In this module, stakeholder analyses, prioritization matrices and reporting processes prepared by companies that have succeeded in integrating the sustainability approach into working life will be explained. 


This training is supplemented with the Europass Certificate. Detailed information about Europass can be found at the link below.

Europass Certificate Supplement 

It is a standard document provided by institutions that issue vocational education or qualification certificates, aiming to make the certificates obtained in different countries easier to understand, especially by employers and educational institutions. It is a document added to the main certificate to make it easier for third parties – especially people in another country – to understand what the qualifications acquired by the holder of the certificate mean. Europass Certificate Supplements, which are widely used in many European countries, are issued to students who graduated from secondary vocational and technical education institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in our country, together with their diplomas if they have a written application. VQA is presented to VQA Vocational Qualification Certificate holders by VQA. 


The original and translated name of the certificate, the skills and competencies of the certificate holder, the types of occupations that the certificate holder can enter, the legal basis of the certificate, the official ways of obtaining the certificate, the issuing and accrediting bodies, the level of the certificate within the framework of qualification, the requirements for entry to the next education level and the transition possibilities. 

The Europass supplement in Turkish and English related to this training is as follows in the link below.

The Process of Education:

  • The training will be broadcast live simultaneously over the Internet.
  • In order to participate in the training, you must have internet access and a suitable internet package in your current environment.
  • In order for the educational system to be used,camera and microphone equipment have been introduced, a device that can connect to the Internet(smartphone, tablet and preferably computer) is needed.
  • Participants will log in to the system with their cameras and microphones turned on together with our instructor who provides the training during the specified lesson hours.
  • User names and passwords will be sent to the participants' e-mails before the training starts.
  • After the trainings are completed, the system will be kept open for participants for another 7 days. By the end of the seventh day at 23:00, the system will be completely shut down.
  • In order to help us during the training period, a whatsapp group will be created in the form of sending messages only to the administrator, and all kinds of support information will be shared by the administrator during the lesson period. Participants have all kinds of questions and problems they can write to our address. The mail will be followed up instantly during the training.

Important Information:

  • Certificates are issued for participation of 80% and above of the total training period. for participation of 79% and below, no documents will be issued. 
  • After the completion of the training period, certificates will be issued after the controls belonging to our institution and will be sent to the addresses you entered at the time of registration with PTT Cargo. Your address and contact information must be up-to-date.
  • Participants have all kinds of questions and problems they can write to our address. The mail will be followed up instantly during the training.
  • Application for education and paying the tuition fee online are made via the Internet. Installment payments cannot be paid on the participants' bank credit cards.



1102 gün önce
Osman K.
Eğitim zengin bir içeriğe sahipti. Eğitmenlerde oldukça ilgili ve bilgili kişilerdi. Verimli bir eğitim süreciydi. Teşekkür ederiz.
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Meltem A.
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Erkan Ö.
Kurumsal Sürdürebilirliği iş hayatında kullanabilmek ve adapte olabilmek adına güzel bir eğitim olmuş. Teşekkürler.
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501 gün önce
Diğdem Çakmak
İneraktif bir eğitimdi. Her konuda ilgili ve detaylı anlatımın yer aldığı, birlikte yorumlayarak ve değerlendirerek bir eğitimi tamamlamanın mutluluğunu yaşıyorum. Tüm sektörler için sürdürülebilir kalkınma amaçları doğrultusunda uygulama yöntemleri ve öneminin vurgulandığı bir eğitim süreciydi. Tüm eğitmenlere teşekkürler.
Corporate Sustainability Certificate Program
Make an application

Group name: Nisan 2025

Opened quota : 12

08 Nisan 2025 12:00


09 Nisan 2025

Education starting date

23 Mayıs 2025

Education ending date

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