Process Management and Improvement Training Program

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 Last update date 02/2025

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The "Process Management and Improvement Training Program" aims to help businesses analyze their processes, increase efficiency, and reduce operational costs. Participants will learn process optimization and continuous improvement methodologies to enhance organizational performance.


The training is for professional development purposes, and the certificate obtained does not replace the MYK authorization certificate in trainings where the MYK authorization certificate is mandatory.


  1. Fundamentals of Process Management

What is Process Management?
Process management involves the effective management of all activities, resources, and people required to achieve a specific goal. Structuring and organizing processes is critical for improving business efficiency.

Defining and Mapping Processes
Correctly defining, mapping, and optimizing processes is the first step in business efficiency. Participants will learn how to analyze processes and which parameters to consider.

  1. Process Analysis and Improvement Techniques

Current State Analysis (As-Is State)
Analyzing the current state of processes is a critical step in identifying areas for improvement. Participants will acquire skills in data collection techniques and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of existing processes.

Process Improvement Approaches
Participants will learn the most common process improvement techniques, including Lean, Six Sigma, Kaizen, and Total Quality Management (TQM). The application of each method and how they contribute to business improvement will be discussed.

  1. Process Improvement Tools and Methodologies

Lean Management and Waste Reduction
The Lean philosophy focuses on eliminating all elements that do not add value. Participants will learn practical tools for reducing waste and increasing efficiency.

Six Sigma and Goal-Oriented Improvement
Six Sigma methodology is used to improve the quality of processes. In this module, participants will be introduced to the fundamental principles of Six Sigma, data analysis, and statistical tools.

  1. Process Improvement Applications and Case Studies

Real-Life Case Studies
Participants will examine examples of successful process improvement projects. These case studies demonstrate how theoretical knowledge is applied in practice.

Project-Based Training
Participants will be given the opportunity to analyze their own business processes and develop improvement proposals. This will allow them to practically test what they have learned.

  1. Process Improvement Strategies and Corporate Management

Leadership in Process Management
Effective process management requires leadership and communication. Participants will gain knowledge on developing leadership skills, involving employees in process improvement, and integrating organizational culture into this process.

Internal Communication and Collaboration
The success of process improvement efforts relies on strong teamwork and effective communication. Participants will learn collaboration techniques for successful teamwork in process management projects.

  1. Monitoring Process Performance and Continuous Improvement

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Accurate KPIs are essential to determine whether processes are working efficiently. Participants will learn how to define and track KPIs to monitor process efficiency.

Continuous Improvement Culture
Process management is not a one-time improvement but requires continuous effort. Participants will learn how to establish and maintain a continuous improvement culture.

  1. Technological Solutions in Process Improvement

Digitalization and Automation
Supporting process improvement with digitalization and automation allows businesses to become more efficient. Participants will learn how digital technologies and software can be used in business processes.

Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems
Decision-makers need accurate data to optimize business processes. In this module, participants will be introduced to data analysis tools that can be used to monitor process performance.

  1. Sectoral Applications of Process Management and Improvement Methods

Process Improvement in Different Sectors
This training aims to show how process improvement techniques are applied across different sectors. Participants will focus on process improvement applications in sectors such as services, manufacturing, and healthcare.

  1. Training Evaluation and Certification

Training Evaluation
At the end of the training, participants will have the opportunity to test the knowledge they have acquired and evaluate their proficiency in process management and improvement.

Upon completion of the training, participants will receive official certificates acknowledging their competence in process management and improvement.


The training is open to corporate collaboration, and individual applications are not accepted. The training content can be restructured according to the corporate participant profile and specific needs. After mutual discussions, the scope and method of the training (In-person, Online) will be determined, and the related processes will be completed. If an agreement is reached, the suitable dates and times for your organization's participants and instructors will be coordinated, along with the location where the training will take place.


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