Financial Literacy Training Program

4,3 (49 voting)
 Last update date 02/2025

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The Financial Literacy Training Program aims to help participants acquire essential financial skills such as personal finance management, investing, and budgeting. This course provides the knowledge and strategies needed to make informed decisions when making financial choices.


The training is for professional development purposes, and the certificate obtained does not replace the MYK authorization certificate in trainings where the MYK authorization certificate is mandatory.


Introduction to Financial Literacy

  • What is financial literacy?
  • The importance of financial literacy
  • The relationship between financial literacy and personal finance management

Budgeting and Saving

  • The basics of budgeting
  • Tracking income and expenses
  • Developing saving habits
  • Creating an emergency fund

Debt Management

  • Types of debt and debt management strategies
  • Interest rates and debt repayment plans
  • The importance of credit scores and credit reports
  • Ways to get out of debt

Basics of Investing

  • Investment instruments: Stocks, bonds, mutual funds
  • Investment risks and risk management
  • Long-term investment strategies
  • Portfolio diversification and creating an investment plan

Retirement Planning

  • The importance of saving for retirement
  • Retirement accounts and funds
  • Early retirement planning
  • Financial strategies to reach retirement goals

Tax Management and Planning

  • The tax system and types of taxes
  • Saving through tax planning
  • Taking advantage of tax benefits
  • The impact of taxes on investment and savings plans

Financial Risk Management

  • Risk management and insurance tools
  • Life insurance, health insurance, and other types of insurance
  • Precautions against financial crises
  • Steps to ensure financial security

Financial Goal Setting and Planning

  • Setting short, medium, and long-term financial goals
  • Developing strategies to achieve financial goals
  • Financial planning and monitoring methods
  • Maintaining motivation to achieve goals

Financial Information Sources and Tools

  • Sources and tools for financial literacy
  • Applications and online platforms for financial literacy
  • Data and analysis tools for making financial decisions

Financial Decision Making and Strategy Development

  • The financial decision-making process
  • Developing personal financial strategies
  • Investment decisions and budgeting strategies
  • Creating strategies for long-term financial success


The training is open to corporate collaborations, and individual applications are not accepted. The training content can be re-planned based on the corporate participant profile and your specific needs. Following mutual discussions, the scope and method of the training (In-person, Online) will be determined, and the related processes will be completed. If an agreement is reached, the suitable dates and times for your institution's participants and our instructors, as well as the location of the training, will be determined.


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